Introduction to the Course
Welcome to The First Steps to Pumping Success Course!
In The First Steps to Pumping Success Course, you are going to learn every important tips about pumping breast milk without becoming overwhelmed or intimidated.
I'm excited you're here and ready to learn more about breast pumping and your milk supply!
By following the pumping tips and techniques provided in this course, you are sure to feel more prepared and confident to provide your baby with breast milk no matter what breastfeeding looks like for you!
With everything you are going to learn in this course, you are sure to start out your pumping journey on the right path. I know you will get a lot of valuable resources from this course!.
The different sections in this course include:
- How to choose and get a FREE breast pump.
- Pumping tips and tricks you must know!
- The supplies needed for pumping and how to use them.
- Proper care and cleaning of pump parts and instructions.
- How to schedule pumping sessions with printables!
- Increasing milk supply and printable lactation recipes.
- Breast milk safety guidelines, feeding and supplementing tips.
- Extra bonus goodies (printables) and encouragement.
Who Am I?
First of all, I am a mom and I care about other mothers getting the resources they need to conquer their pumping goals.
I became a mother for the first time in January of 2018 to a precious baby girl. As a first time mom, I was maybe a little naive to what went into breastfeeding, I had no clue about the many challenges that awaited me.
The ability to nurse my baby traditionally ended up not being an option for me. At that point, I was lost as to what my options were.
Thankfully, I had a breast pump.
That is when my exclusively pumping journey began and carried on for 10 straight months. I was determined to learn everything I could about pumping and give my baby nothing but breast milk for as long as possible.
In spite of how little I knew about pumping and the many hurdles I had to overcome, I succeeded and learned so much along the way!
I feel empowered now to turn a trial I faced into a tool to hand over to other new-to-pumping moms.
By the time you have completed this course, you will also have a wealth of knowledge in knowing the first steps to pumping success!
Thank you for enrolling!
Elizabeth Porter
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Disclaimer: I am not a certified lactation consultant or medical doctor, the views and statements made in this course are based on my own experience and opinion. This is not meant to be taken as medical advice.