Words of Encouragement

Well mama, you completed the course - yay!

How are you feeling?

Hopefully you feel a little more optimistic because you now have some tools in your chest that a lot of us exclusive pumpers didn't have when we first started our e.p. journey.

If at any point in time you have questions or concerns, the comment section in this course is always open and the Facebook group too! My email is provided here [email protected]. Don't ever hesitate to reach out - at anytime!

Yes, I have a baby and a business to run, but helping other mothers is a huge priority to me.

One day, One Ounce at a Time

On the days you are feeling like you just don't have it in you to plug-in and pump, but you know the consequence of not doing so would make you feel worse - try these tips:

  1. Take an extra few moments to be kind to yourself, and affirm the positive reasons as to why you are pumping.
  2. Treat yourself to a show you would like to watch or a book to read that you can enjoy while you are pumping.
  3. Find that stubborn drive from within (the one your husband fell in love with) and just do it.
  4. Give yourself a small reward after you are done so you have something to look forward to.

Final Words

This is the end of the course. My goal was to equip you with as much of the essential information you would need to start your exclusively pumping journey and join the e.p. moms club!

Even with doing my best to provide you with as much of the knowledge I have from exclusively pumping, there is sometimes no way to be fully prepared. You will learn the most from just diving in and giving it a go.

Just know, you will be amazed at how strong you are and what you are capable of doing for the right reasons.

I can't wait for you to become even more of a b.a. than you already were before, mama!

May I ask you to do me a favor? Would you please follow this link to Facebook and leave me a kind review about the value you got out of this course and mention in particular what pumping, breast milk and milk supply information you got the most help from?

Thank you so much mama! I love that we can share the love and help each other out!


If you are looking for recommendation on where to get pumping supplies and which ones, use these links to help you.



Please follow my social media accounts!





Don't forget to use your discount codes when you're ready! Found in this module.

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